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Sunday 3 March 2013

Cisco responds to unhappy users, reboots Connect Cloud, restores router functionality

Last week, Cisco rolled out its Connect Cloud service as an automatic update to routers with that particular function enabled — and triggered widespread user outrage in the process. The company’s Privacy Supplemental that accompanied the service implied that it would monitor users’ internet history, the Terms and Conditions stated that Cisco could kill user accounts for accessing certain content, and the only way to log into the router without a Connect Cloud account was to take it offline.

This collectively pissed off just about everyone, including yours truly. We’ve been in contact with Cisco since our initial story; the company has now released a follow-up blog post detailing the upcoming changes to the service and apologi ing for how the rollout was initially handled. Here are some of the highlights:

  • No more mandatory sign-ups — Connect Cloud will be an optional feature Linksys owners can choose to register for. Routers will default to standard (read: local) management. You will not need a Connect Cloud account to sign into or manage router functions.

  • No automatic updates if the auto-update feature is turned off – Originally, the T&C contained a statement that Cisco could update routers where auto-update was deactivated, if the company deemed it necessary. Cisco has now stated it will not do this, and will revise its documentation accordingly.

  • No monitoring or disconnects — I’ll quote these bits directly, since the terminology is important. “Cisco Connect Cloud and Cisco Linksys routers do not monitor or store information about how our customers are using the Internet and we do not arbitrarily disconnect customers from the Internet. The Cisco Connect Cloud service has never monitored customers’ Internet usage, nor was it designed to do so, and we will clarify this in an update to the terms of service. Cisco’s Linksys routers do not track or store any personal information regarding customers’ use of the Internet.”

  • Router updates will continue to be offered for both CC-enabled devices and standard interfaces – Cisco will continue to offer firmware updates for both interfaces and types of users. Choosing the standard interface doesn’t mean you’ll be cut off from future security.

Cautiously optimistic

Tastes like chickenAfter having several conversations with Cisco representatives, I’m hopeful that the company is serious about these changes. Is it possible that this was a cynical land-grab to see what customers would or wouldn’t tolerate? Absolutely yes — and that’s why we’ll keep an eye on the situation and the documents in question. At the same time, we need to acknowledge that the company’s statements track nearly perfectly with a list of recommendations we made earlier this week.

Given the company’s quick response and rollback, it’s at least plausible that this was a case of over-enthusiasm combined with a poor understanding of what Linksys users most value about the product. In comments around the web, the phrase “it just works” came up repeatedly when users described why they were Linksys customers. My own preference for the brand is based on such statements; Linksys routers are broadly compatible workhorses that handle home routing tasks simply and require minimal maintenance. With Connect Cloud, Cisco is clearly hoping to boost its visibility, but the company’s first attempt to do so went too far.

Hopefully a more measured approach will achieve the desired goal without the negative feedback. As an optional service, there’s nothing wrong with Cisco’s Connect Cloud. We understand that readers will be dubious after last week’s events; we’ll keep an eye on Cisco’s documentation and T&C and notify you of any changes

Cisco responds to unhappy users, reboots Connect Cloud, restores router functionality
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